
1920x1080 shadow of mordor images
1920x1080 shadow of mordor images

1920x1080 shadow of mordor images

I'd rather have high framerates on my 120-144Hz screens, but anti-aliasing really helps at 1080p and below. But in all my years of using PCs, I barely use AA. launch game, set full screen and resolution 100(1920x1080). We haven't taken into account any anti-aliasing, as we're going to follow through with another article that looks at 1080p, 1440p and 4K with 4xAA enabled to see how much AA strains the framebuffer in these titles. open Documents>WB Games>Shadow of Mordor>render.cfg with notepad 2. 4GB of VRAM is more than enough for most video cards today, even at 4K. Battlefield 4 only uses 3GB of VRAM, which is quite surprising. Thief begins to crawl up there with 2.9GB of VRAM, while Battlefield 4 on the Ultra preset (minus AA) is only consuming 2.2GB of VRAM and is one of the best looking games out right now.ĤK: As for what games or tests use the most VRAM, we see that it's a tie between Thief and GTA V, both using 4.3GB of VRAM, while Shadow of Mordor isn't far behind with 3.9GB being used - all at 4K. Make your device cooler and more beautiful. Make your device cooler and more beautiful. Download Shadow Of Mordor Map Udun for desktop or mobile device. 1440p: Moving up to 2560x1440, we see GTA V consume 3.9GB of VRAM while Shadow of Mordor uses 3.5GB. Download Shadow Of Mordor Mordor for desktop or mobile device.

1920x1080 shadow of mordor images